How did you hear about back to hockey?
“With my daughter playing hockey in Nottingham I knew about the Back to Hockey scheme. Although the idea appealed to me Nottingham was just too far to go, so I was delighted to see the banner at the pitches at Worksop College advertising the sessions with Worksop Ladies two years ago.”
Have you played hockey before?
“Yes, I played at school 30 years ago, playing in the first team and getting my school colours. I played all sports at school but hockey was my favourite. I then played for a couple of terms at University and can’t recall why I didn’t carry on, I suspect medical studies got in the way.”
What made you come along?
“About a year before my first Back to Hockey session I had considered joining Worksop Ladies and even turned up one night, but didn’t get out of my car! Instead, I watched for a bit and thought maybe another time, when I’m fitter! The Back to Hockey sessions seemed a gentler way to reintroduce myself to the sport so I emailed the contact given and started a few weeks later, actually getting out of my car and onto the pitch this time!”
Were you nervous?
“Perhaps a little, but going with a friend helped. Jayne had been playing hockey before moving to this area but as a goal keeper. She wanted to move to playing outfield so thought Back to Hockey would be an ideal way to do this.”
What was it like?
“There were a small group of us, with different backgrounds and hockey experiences. The coach introduced her name by nickname, not one that felt appropriate to be calling her, but we soon got used to it! Along with the others helping her, she was friendly, helpful and never made any of us feel useless! The coaching was pitched at exactly the right level. Thank you Nobby!”
What’s happened after back to hockey?
“The Back to Hockey sessions led into the start of the season’s club training. Within a few weeks we were told that the club had, for the first time ever, entered a fourth team into the local league and we were asked to play. I hadn’t thought about playing in games (not yet) but the offer suited my competitive nature. We had a great first season after which the team captain resigned suggesting I took up the post. I was delighted to be nominated and accepted the challenge.”
Helen continued, “The fourth team’s role, as I see it, is to allow and encourage Back to Hockey players, and youngsters coming through from the junior club, to participate in competition, should they wish to, in a non-threatening way. It has been a pleasure to Captain the team this year and I look forward to seeing a new team develop next season, hopefully with some new Back to Hockey team mates.”